Codfish! The noun that would come to Seamus’ mind when describing me on any mode of transport. As unflattering as it sounds, it is, unfortunately, a true story. Motion, what can I say? Any form of motion sends me straight to sleep and I just love it and am wholly unapologetic about my ability to drift into the land of nod, when I’m not behind the wheel, I promise. However, on a recent last minute trip this skill was not going to come in handy and not something I wanted to take advantage of.
An amazing opportunity to travel to Florida and share our success with entrepreneurs came up last minute and Seamus and I agreed that it was something we could not turn down. We knew we needed to make it work. Our business is always insanely busy at the end of the month, when this trip fell, so in order to squeeze every minute out of the working day I knew I needed to stay awake on the transatlantic flight. I had a list of tasks I needed to complete before touching down in the sunny states and sleeping was not one of them. A huge challenge for me!
I knew succeeding would require some type of intervention.
Fizzy energy drinks have never worked for me, I’ve always been haunted by a New Years Eve when I indulged in one too many fizzy energy drinks and thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest as I lay in bed, head spinning and incredibly nauseous, hours after midnight. I’ve also never loved the shaky, fuzzy feeling I get when relying on strong coffees to keep my eyes open and my mind alert. These options have just never worked for me. Therefore, I was extremely excited when my delivery of Juice Plus UpLIFT arrived in time for the trip. Juice Plus UpLIFT is an all plant-based natural energy drink that fuels your body and mind with essential B-vitamins, natural caffeine and elite ingredients in a convenient energy drink. I was really excited to see if Juice Plus UpLIFT could help this sleeping beauty turn into an efficient Erica.
Before boarding the plane I enthusiastically mixed the goods, as per the instructions, with 240ml of cold water (UpLIFT can be mixed with your preferred liquid of choice- sparking water, fresh juice etc), took a few good gulps and started on my to do list with high hopes. Miraculously, I stayed awake through the entire journey – 10 hours including connections. The trip flew as I buried myself in my work and could hardly believe it when the pilot called for the air stewards to get ready for landing. I’d felt great the entire journey, fatigue free. Mary 1 Motion 0. I was so pleased that my first experience with Juice Plus UpLIFT natural energy drink was a positive one which really helped to get the trip off on a productive start.